Local Time: 05:46
 5th May 2024


This Live streaming Webcam displays numerous clips from London traffic cameras, provided by Transport for London (TfL).
Watch the live traffic scenes along the most popular tourist attractions across Greater London. Places and busy streets such as Chelsea Bridge, Waterloo Bridge South, Trafalgar Square, Piccadilly Circus and all the way to George St and Wellesley Road intersection. In one of the clips you can see Ferry Lane street, an urban area of Totenham. You will also enjoy watching the live cam streams on Buckingham Palace/Eaton Lane, Connaught Bridge/Connaught Road, Upper Tooting Road/Kellino Sreet and Piccadilly/St James Street. On this other live cam you can see Exhibition Road/Cromwell Road, an area where you can explore many of Britain's great museums. Have a look at the Airport Way/Stanwell More Road webcam to check what the traffic is like before you leave.
In addition, you can enjoy the live views of the beautiful and popular locations like Parliament Square, Westminster Bridge/York Road and Kingsway/High Holborn.